Friday, January 21, 2011

Demo Reel

Hi! Here is my new demo reel, including shots I worked on and some models that I created.

You can also scroll down to see more images from projects that I worked on. Enjoy!

If the embed player isn't working, you can click on this link to the original video.

You can also take a look at my detailed resume by clicking on the following link:

Maxime Langlois-Legault

Quick Anatomy Scuplting Sketch

This is a quick anatomy sculpting sketch that I did. I just focused on building a muscle base for the body, before fading it for a skin effect. The skull, hand and feet are only there for having a better idea of the body's proportions.

Deconstructed / Comment ça marche? (TV show)

Here is a sample of the work I did on the show "Deconstructed"( vf: "Comment ça marche?"). My work consisted of modeling and rigging specific parts of the featured objects with great accuracy. Some of the shots needed to wipe from the real object to the 3d object as seamlessly as possibly while other shots were shot with a macro lens and needed extreme accuracy to be able to properly integrate the 3d objects. Copyrights to "Les Productions MAJ".

Blade system, pump and engine of a snow blower - Modeling and rigging

Complete lawn tractor transmission - Modeling and rigging

Hot tub pumps, water volume and complex water pipes network - Modeling

Fishing reel mechanism - Modeling and rigging

Electric bicycle frame, batteries, wheel and electric motor - (Modeling and rigging)

Bicycle derailler, gears and chain - Modeling and rigging

Four-stroke engine components - Modeling and rigging